Welcome to


We are an Online Radio Station which plays all of your Favorite Hits!

From this Web Site you will be able to connect to us Live!

You will also be able to: View our Play Lists

View our Weekly and Monthly Schedules of Events

Listen to Prerecorded Shows and Special Announcements

View our Special Online Monthly News Letter

Plus More....

W3Z is a member of the WWRC Networks:

One of the Largest World Wide Online Radio Associations on the Internet.

We can be accessed All Around The World!

and we support almost all Browser Types.

We highly recommend that you use Netscape Navigator, because it tends to have the best response and supports all of our features.

In order to Listen to our Live and Prerecorded Broadcasts you must use a copy of Realplayer 5.0 which can be downloaded for free from Real Networks .


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