W3Z The Hotline 25th Anniverary Edition |
Welcome to The Hotline, here's what's happening on W3Z in December..

W3Z is Celebrating a Milestone... 25 Years !!
The station was offically launched back in 1998 and was able to do short Live broadcast on the internet
In 1999 W3Z joined Live365 and started doing Live Broacasts on a regular basis. by 2000 W3Z had tranitioned into a 24/7 Station.
Thoughout the years W3Z has moved to different Networks like : Shoutcast, Radionomy, and AudioRealm..
In 2019 W3Z returned to Live365 and is broadcasting there now..
You can visit our Site to listen at W3ZHOTLINE.COM
View our station page on Live365: Live365 Station Page
New Station Listings
Online Radio Box
my Tuner
You can also listen to W3Z on these station listings as well....
TuneIn (Online and App)
Radioline (Online and App)
Streamfinder.com (Online)
Streema (Online and App)
Radioshaker.com (Online)
Raddios.com (Online)

W3Z 25th Anniversary Show On Demand

Now you can listen to the 25th Anniversary Show Anytime.
Just Visit the W3Z 25th Anniversary Page to listen to the show.

Christmas Music All Day Dec 25th !!

View Video Promo
W3Z wants you to be a part of their 25th Anniversary !
Just Send Us A Recording of You Saying your First Name, Where You are From, and That You Listen to W3Z Hotline Internet Radio.
And We Will Play it On Our Station !! ... (Also if you like you can send us a seperate recording Wishing Us A Happy 25th Anniversary)
(Send Us an Mp3 or ACC (Mp4) File of Your Recording)

W3Z Donation Buttons
Hey everyone, we added some Donation Buttons to our site recently.
We try to keep W3Z as a free service for the most part but it does cost us money to run the station and site.
So we added a few Donation Buttons if you would like to contribute a few dollars it would be much appreciated.
Plus we are working on some other ideas to help with the costs to run the station as well.

W3Z Music Spotlight
This month we don't have a New Music Spotlight Artist but we are playing a few from our archives on W3Z.
Plus check out some of our Past Features in our Music Spotlight Archives
Check out some great Local and Indie Bands which are being featured this month or in the archives.
W3Z Interview Archives
You can now listen to past Featured Interviews of bands in our Archives

All Request Show Behind The Scenes

Check out a behind the scenes look of W3Z while we were doing The All Request Show on Dec 21st 2023
Click here to view video on W3Z Hotline Facebook Page

New Radio Station App

Listen To W3Z On Radio.Net
Click Here To Download App
View Video Promo

Local Show from Nov 30th 2023 is now on Demand
You can now listen to our Local Show from Nov 30th 2023. It can be accessed at:

Nov 30th 2023 Local Show
Past Local Shows
Here is what is New and Happening on W3Z Today
We are constantly trying to improve the website and make it as simple to use as possible.
Some of the features that we will be adding are:
(Features and Services coming to W3Z)
A New Mobile Friendly Website
W3Z is planning on re-designing the website so it will work better on all platforms including cell phones and tablets.
We are still in the planning stage but hope to starting developing in the next few months.
W3Z Store
We are in the process of setting up our own W3Z Merch Store where you can buy T-shirts, Hat, Coffee Mugs.. Plus More
Check out some of our W3Z 25th Anniversary items.
We hope to have this store up and functioning soon..
(Click On Item to Enlarge)
W3Z 25th Black T-Shirt |
W3Z 25th White T-Shirt |
W3Z 25th Black Hat |
W3Z 25th Can Cooler |
W3Z 25th Coffee Mug |
(Click On Item to Enlarge)
Subscription Services and Contributions
W3Z is working on different Subscription based services. Like All Access to all the W3Z Content
Membership will include discounts in the W3Z Store, Special Members section, Chat Room, and Direct Contact Access
and more.. (This is currently still in the works and hopefully will be available early next year)
Plus we will be setting up ways to Donate to help W3Z continue to expand The will also be a Gold, Silver, and Bronze
levels where as a Special Thank You we will send you some mechandise from W3Z Store Absolutely Free !!
We are still working on these new ideas..
W3Z Advertising Program
W3Z is Starting an Advertising Program on both the Website and Station. We will be setting up a system where you can place your Ads on the site. Some will include Feature Ads ... Audio Ads.. and Video Ads.. Plus we are starting a Banner Exchange Program as well. We will also be setting up Sponsorship and Commercial Ads on our station.
More information will follow soon.
W3Z Artist Exposure Program
W3Z is offering an Artist Exposure Program to help New Musicians get some exposure. This includes Interviews, CD Previews, Music Spotlight, Artist CD Promotion ADs...
Price lists are available on request
W3Z Shows and Events
B-Sides (New Show) 1 hr show featuring Songs you don't hear as much like songs on the B-Side of 45's (back in the day).
Now airing on Sat and Sun's at 7:00pm and 11:00pm CST
W3Z has added a Show called Return to Rush: which features 2 songs in a row from Rush.
It plays on both Mon, Wed, and Fri at 1pm and 8pm CST (Times are not exact)
Other W3Z Shows include:
Come Back To The Cold: 2 songs in a row from New Orlean's Own 80's Rock/Pop Band The Cold Wed and Fri at 1pm and 8pm CDT
Get The Led Out!! 3 in a row by Led Zeppelin Weeknights at 7:15pm and 11:15pm CDT (Times are not exact)
Return to Rush: which features 2 songs in a row from Rush. Tue and Thu at 2pm and 8pm CDT (Times are not exact)
80's Flash Back: All 80's Music (1hr) Everyday 12pm CDT
The RockMachine: Playback of some of the Best Classic Rock (1hr) Mon,Wed, and Fri at 3pm and 10pm CDT
The Local Show: Local bands and Indie Artists Only (1hr) Monthly. Check website for the next show..
Live Tracks: Live recordings of bands (1hr) Tues, Thu, Sat, and Sun 3pm and 10pm CDT
B-Sides (New Show) 1 hr show featuring Songs you don't hear as much like songs on the B-Side of 45's (back in the day).
Now airing on Sat and Sun's at 7:00pm and 11:00pm CDT
Also we play Alternative Rock Mix and a Full Mix of all formats

That is all for this edition of The Hotline. Visit our Links below for more information and to connect to W3Z.
W3Z Station Page
Facebook Page
Twitter Page