The Hotline 2000

Vol 3, April/May 2000




Welcome to the Hotline 2000!

This is W3Z's Monthly Newsletter. This will keep you updated with what is happening at W3Z.


In this issue we will look at what is happening in April and May.




Thank You!

I wanted to thank everyone for there support. Just recently I had come to the conclusion of terminating the W3Z Music Hotline. After talking with many of you, and reading your e-mails, I have decided to continue with this Radio Station. I have been through a lot of changes and challenges, but the most important thing for me was to give the public something to share with each other. I am going to continue to entertain and add new things to this site. I would like to invite everyone to please send their comments and suggestions to us. I need to listen to everyone's input. Please send your e-mail to :



We are working on a Broadcast Schedule on

We are working on doing at least one Live Show each week. We will post a broadcast schedule when we work one out.


Check out our New Chat Room which can be accessed through AIM:



or visit our site at :

You must have a copy of America Online's AIM program to enter our Chat Room.

Download Free Copy

We will be posting a Chat Room Schedule when I will be available to chat on our site in the next few weeks.


This Month's Music Spotlight.



This month we are featuring : Wes Dando


Check out this band in our Music Spotlight on our site.



If you have a band or know someone that has a band, and would like to be featured in (Music Spotlight). Please send us an E-mail at : Place Music Spotlight in the subject. Include some information about your band and send us an Mp3 sample.

We will review it and then notify you before we feature it on our site.




Shows for April/May:


We are currently featuring: (Rock/Alternative - 80's Flashback) from one of our Live Broadcasts.



We are also planing a ((Live)) All Request Show which will be streamed off of Live365.Com.


We will set a definite date and time when we have more information.





Future Additions to our site:


We are planing on adding a Message Board in the near future.




That is all for this edition of The Hotline.


Visit our Site at :


E-Mail us at: