W3Z 20th Anniversary Show On Demand


About 6 hours long

Full Show (Plays All Parts In Order)


Click to Play Full Show


1) Intro/Early Shows Click to Play Part 1
2) 80's Flash Back Clips Click to Play Part 2
3) The Rock Machine/All Request Show Clips Click to Play Part 3
4) Mardi Gras Special/The Halloween Special Clips Click to Play Part 4
5) All Day 4th of July Show Edited Click to Play Part 5
6) Interviews Overview/Best of W3Z Wired Show 1 Click to Play Part 6
7) Shadow Wax Interview Click to Play Part 7
8) Rock Profile Show Edited Click to Play Part 8
9)Last Show from Atlanta/Theresa Andersson Int Click to Play Part 9
10) Wired Show 3 Clips Click to Play Part 10
11) Theresa Andersson Concert Click to Play Part 11
12) Theresa Andersson Concert cont /End of Show Click to Play Part 12


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