W3Z The Hotline Over 20 Years !
Late Summer Edition
Welcome to The Hotline, here's what's happening on W3Z in August..
We are bringing The Hotline back to keep everyone updated on what is happening on W3Z
W3Z is celebrating Over 20 years !! (Almost 25)
The station was offically launched back in 1998. .
W3Z Announcement !!
W3Z has returned to Live365 (Where we origionally started).
In 1999 W3Z joined Live365 and started doing Live Broacasts on a regular basis. by 2000 W3Z had tranitioned into a 24/7 Station.
But in 2014 W3Z decided to part ways with Live365 due to some of the restructures in their network. Shortly after Live365 decided to
shut down their operation. W3Z was re-launched on Radionomy from 2015 till 2019.
Live365 restructured their network and was reformed under New Ownership and relaunched in late 2019.
W3Z has now Returned to Live365 and broadcasts once again 24/7
You can visit our page to listen at W3ZHOTLINE.COM
Spring Heeled Jax New CD Release
Former Music Spotlight Band, Spring Heeled Jax is Releasing their New CD titled "Hotel Jean Lafitte".
Visit their page for information on how to purchase their CD ... https://www.facebook.com/groups/643203487059713
You can also check out my interview I did with them back in May..
Spring Heeled Jax New CD Release Party Aug 12th 8pm CST at The Marsh Room PatioBar & Grill
With Special Guests: BackReal and JKB Band
Come Join Me there.. I will be broadcasting Live and also recording the whole show.. Tune in at 7pm
Listen To W3Z at http://w3zhotline.com/listen

View the Video Promo: http://w3zhotline.com/SpringHeeledJaxCDReleasePartyADVideo.html
W3Z's The Local Show
W3Z is bringing back The Local Show
Tuesday Aug 30th starting at 8:00pm CST
Local Bands and Artists can submit their music to be played on our shows at W3ZHOTLINE.COM/LOCALSHOW
Local Show from July 2022 is now on Demand
You can now listen to our Local Show from July 2022. It can be accessed at:
Local Show July 2022 Archives
Other pages and features on the W3Z Hotline Internet Radio Website:
The W3Z Music Spotlight
Check out some great Local and Indie Bands which are being featured this month or in the archives.
W3Z Interview Archives
You can now listen to past Featured Interviews of bands in our Archives.
W3Z 20th Anniversary Special (On Demand)
Re-Live the W3Z 20th Anniversary Special Now on Demand
The W3Z 20th Anniversary Special played on Sunday August 26th 2018. It included over 6 hours of Old Shows,
Interviews, Specials, plus a lot more...
Check Out The W3Z 20th Anniversary Page which includes Website Archives and more Past Shows and Specials.
CrownFest IV On Demand :
(Raising Money and Awareness for ALS)
Recorded Sat Dec 8, 2018
At The Crown & Anchor English Pub - 200 Pelican Ave New Orleans
You can now listen to the whole show On Demand
Here is what is New and Happening on W3Z Today
We are constantly trying to improve the website and make it as simple to use as possible.
Some of the features that we will be adding are:
(Features and Services coming to W3Z)
A New Mobile Friendly Website
W3Z is planning on re-designing the website so it will work better on all platforms including cell phones and tablets.
We are still in the planning stage but hope to starting develeping in the next couple months.
The W3Z Store
W3Z is planning on selling mechandise like T-Shirts, Hats, and Mugs on the W3Z New Website.
We will be offering Specials on some products as well. We hope to have this available later this year.
Subscription Services and Contributions
W3Z is working on different Subscription based services. Like All Access to all the W3Z Content
Membership will include discounts in the W3Z Store, Special Members section, Chat Room, and Direct Contact Access
and more.. (This is currently still in the works and hopefully will be available by the end of the year)
Plus we will be setting up ways to Donate to help W3Z continue to expand The will also be a Gold, Silver, and Bronze
levels where as a Special Thank You we will send you some mechandise from W3Z Store Absolutely Free !!
We are still working on these new ideas..
W3Z Advertising Program
W3Z is Starting an Advertising Program on both the Website and Station. We will be setting up a system where you can place your Ads on the site. Some will include Feature Ads ... Audio Ads.. and Video Ads.. Plus we are starting a Banner Exchange Program as well. We will also be setting up Sponsorship and Commercial Ads on our station.
More information will follow soon.
W3Z Artist Exposure Program
W3Z is offering an Artist Exposure Program to help New Musicians get some exposure. This includes Interviews, CD Previews, Music Spotlight, Artist CD Promotion ADs...
Price lists are available on request
W3Z Shows and Events
B-Sides (New Show) 1 hr show featuring Songs you don't hear as much like songs on the B-Side of 45's (back in the day).
Now airing on Sat and Sun's at 7:00pm and 11:00pm CST
W3Z has added a Show called Return to Rush: which features 2 songs in a row from Rush.
It plays on both Mon, Wed, and Fri at 1pm and 8pm CST (Times are not exact)
Other Shows include:
Get The Led Out!! 3 in a row by Led Zeppelin Weeknights at 7:00pm and 11:00pm CST (Times are not Exact)
80's Flash Back: All 80's Music (1hr) Everyday 12pm CST
The RockMachine: Playback of some of the Best Classic Rock (1hr) Mon,Wed, and Fri at 3pm and 10pm CST
The Local Show: Local bands and Indie Artists Only (1hr) Returning soon. More info will be posted
Live Tracks: Live recordings of bands (1hr) Tues, Thu, Sat, and Sun 3pm and 10pm CST
Also we play Alternative Rock Mix and a Full Mix of all formats
That is all for this edition of The Hotline. Visit our Links below for more information and to connect to W3Z.
W3Z Station Page
Facebook Page
Twitter Page |