W3Z Music Spotlight


(Past Featured Local and Indie Bands)

May 2004


On My Own



Band Biography

Milbajac, a powerful, exciting and energetic band was formed in1996. Being a Rock/Pop band, their music is influenced by artists such as, “U2, Bon Jovi and Counting Crows”.

All four musicians are originally from Gibraltar have each in their own field acquired extensive experience and talent, which gives the group a good solid foundation and a platform to work from.





This Month's Feature

February 2004

Half The World






"Imagine a bowl full of razor blades
with sweet candy syrup poured over them. "

At any given moment, half of the world's population dwells in darkness, while
the other half are bathed in light. Metaphorically speaking, the band Half
the World counts themselves among the latter. At the crux of their huge
sound, Half the World conjures a magnetic alchemy of vision and promise:
crushingly heavy and sublimely melodic.

It's also the framework to support eloquent, cerebral Iyrics. "There's a real
strong sense of responsibility of writing music with this band, especially
from a Iyrical standpoint," they confirm. "We shoot for substance. We're not
on some kind of crusade, but you won't hear'Oh baby' or any love songs. We
don't need to add to that.'' Each musician in the band is also a songwriter.
"You may hear dark themes, but no promotion of darkness," they promise.
"What we're awake to, is a new vibe, a new revolution. "

Hailing from Holland, lead singer Mary Magill -- with her striking
Euro-goddess visual presence and commanding, world-class voice -- is the
band's on-stage focai point. The rhythm section is comprised of Mat Hansen
on bass and Pete Weaver on drums and backup vocals (these two also produce
and engineer for the band). Jim McCrostie and Brett Pedersen's incandescent,
razor-edged guitars generate the fire that electrifies this monumental wall
of sound.

Still, in the band's hometown of Boise, Idaho, there is no equivalent Sunset
Strip amidst the pines. "You struggle to play at Grandma's barbecue," they
confirm. But they've opened forThird Eye Blind and expanded their
affirmative sound into arena-size proportions. The band has also parlayed
their relative isolation into a winning card; it's no secret that the Pacific
Northwest is a center of emerging communication technologies. In that spirit,
Half the World has achieved digital visibility via mp3.com. They've been
tapped by the staff as alternative rock picks and turned those kudos into an
expanding global audience. Contact is key: anyone who e-mails the band
receives a complete CD in return.

While the band takes its next giant steps -- expanding their touring base,
achieving national airplay and divining a suitable label partner -- they
continue to generate a lasting momentum fueled by positivity, imagination and
a shared destiny. Half the World are determined to spread their sound over
all the world.

Pete Weaver 208-853-3686 • htwmusic@juno.com • www.halftheworld.cc




This Month's Feature

August 2001

Staggered Crossing



Further Again



"The first time I backed J.T. at a jam at The Rose and Crown in 96, I was very impressed by how well written his lyrics were and how his songs seemed way beyond his years," says O'Dea of the evening he was first introduced to the young singer-songwriter's talents. As fate would have it, both Bruce Adamson and Darrell O'Dea played in the house band that night, but it would be another year before they joined the fledgling group.

"I can write anywhere at anytime, depending on the mood," Taylor counters, before giving a couple of illustrations.

"I've written songs everywhere, from airports to a train that was going from Chicago to Portland. I love writing songs, its just kind of cool," adds the songwriter with one of his typically endearing, but nonchalant responses.

Having been a working live band far longer than a recording band hasn't impeded the growth of Staggered Crossing. Coincidentally, it's a scenario that has certainly benefited many of the great groups of the last fifty years not the least of which is, The Band.

While none of the members of Staggered Crossing would compare themselves with any of their musical heroes, they are fully aware of how time invested playing live continues to yield the kind of artistic results they aspire to.

"Early on we were fortunate to play once a week for a tolerant audience at a place called the Corner Cafe. That was in exchange for the rehearsal space in the basement. Eventually we added a second night a week at The Rose and Crown, J, says O'Dea, who still sounds appreciative and grateful for how the journey unfolded.

He and Taylor both feel that those regular working situations eventually allowed the distinct personalities of all five band members to come through

in the live performances of the songs.

Whether it's as an instrumental force extending and re-shaping a five minute album track into a twenty minute jam, or as they frame one of Taylor's alluring verses and spitfire vocals, it can all be traced back to a unified vision to communicate.

Visit their web site at : www.staggeredcrossing.com






This Month's Feature


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