About W3Z

W3Z is one of the best Online Radio Stations!

We play a variety of music from New Wave/Contemporary to Classic Rock.

We can be received through any computer system which can support

RealPlayer 5.0™ or later.


The station was setup in 1985 as an experiment. It could only be broadcast through a wire which could be received through a receiver. It started out in one household and then later expanded to more households. The name of the experiment was W3PO 123, (taken from the Star Wars movies) and was later adapted into W3Z. During the transitional phase W3Z was broadcast on a low FM frequency which could only broadcast about a half of a block. Next we set it up through the telephone, so one could dial the number and listen to the broadcast through their telephone or intercom system. Finally in 1998 it was developed into an online broadcast.


Some of the other projects that were associated with it were WROK and WV10.

They were both similar stations that were set up as a test.


The Station was developed by Kevin and John of New Orleans, Louisiana.

It can be accessed through any computer on the World Wide Web Internet.

John in W3Z


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