The Hotline!


Vol 2, Issue #4

April 1999

The Hotline

Vol 2 Issue 4

April 1999



Hello, everybody!!!



Welcome to the April Issue of The Hotline!


I have many things to tell you. First we have added New Features to our Web Site!


W3Z has added a chat room, so that everybody who would like to talk to each other about W3Z or other interests may do so. I am working on a schedule for when I will be Online in these chat sessions. I will post this information as soon as I set it up.


W3Z has it's own ICQ #, so if you use ICQ you can contact us and use the many features of ICQ. We will post the ICQ# as soon as we have this feature available.

You should see this on our site as early as sometime next week.


New Broadcasts!


W3Z is working on some more New Broadcasts,


The Next Broadcast which should be available in the next two weeks will be a special musical tribute to my origional home town, New Orleans.


I will feature a variety of music from my old home town.

I plan on this show being 30 minutes long, but It could have more than one part.


Keep checking our Web Site, for more information about this broadcast.



Next Month we will be featuring a New 80's Flash Back


This will be all music from the 80's


We will be posting some of our songs and artists for this show, and will invite you to make E-Requests


More information will be available later.



W3Z is still trying to work out some of the bugs for Live Broadcasting. we have been having many connection problems trying to maintain a Live Stream.


We are in the middle of upgrading our system so we can accomodate this situation.


In the meantime we are trying other methods to relay a live broadcast.

One of the ways that we are currently working with is with CU-See


We will keep everybody posted on this development.



That covers this months issue of The Hotline.


Remember to visit our site at


and E-Mail us if you have any questions at



Thanks and have a Great Month!


W3Z Your Music Hotline!!!