The Hotline!


Vol 2, Issue #3

March 1999

The Hotline

Vol 2 Issue 3

March 1999



Hello, everybody!!!


Sorry so late with this addition, but a lot has been going on.



First, we have been doing New broadcasts!!! Our special 3 part broadcast, W3Z Totaly Wired!! was a total success!!!!


We are going to continue this show on a regular basis.


We are still trying to work out things with our server so we can go Completly Live!!


In the meantime, we have tested the CU-SeeMe cybercast, which is still being fined tuned.


Things to Look For:


Later this Summer we will release another Rock Profile for your listening enjoyment.


W3Z is adding an archival section to the Web Site, so you can access some of our best shows. This should be active in Mid April.


We are going to place a special confrence room on our site, so people can come together and chat about our station or whatever. This should be active in the next few weeks.


Also, we will be adding ICQ to our site, to expand the communications over the Internet. This will also we used to take requests when we go Live.


The next couple of weeks, we will be releasing some special additions to our last broadcast. First we will release a 8 min clip of the Video, (Behind the Scenes of W3Z Totaly Wired!!) This show us On and Off the Air. (The Video Quality is not the greatest, but you can get the idea of how the show was done). We will also Edit together a Greatest Moments of W3Z Totaly Wired Broadcast. This will be some of the best parts of the broadcast.


That is about it for this addition, more to come in the April Addition wich should be released in the next couple of weeks.



If you have any comments that you would like to add, please send them to us at:


Come and visit our Web Site at :



W3Z Your Music Hotline!!!