Hello Everybody!!!


Now that we are in the New Year (2000)

It is time for W3Z to move forward.


Here is the First Issue for 2000 of W3Z's Monthly Newsletter, The Hotline.

Hotline 2000!


The Hotline 2000

Vol 3, January 2000

(A New Beginning)



Welcome to the Hotline!

This is W3Z's Newsletter. This will keep you updated with what is happening at W3Z.


In this issue we will look at our Web site Changes and Additions, Updates, and New Shows!


Now that we are in 2000!

What better way to start out than by broadcasting Live!!!!!


That is right, we are now able to broadcast a Live Show through the Internet.

This is because of the support and help from Live 365.com.

We are in the middle of working out a Regular Schedule of Programming.





Web Site Additions:


Once again we have made some more changes to our site.

We had to change our Home page from xoom.com to Aol.

This was our original Home page when we started out.

The reason for the change is because we are becoming too big!!!

We needed more room so we went to Yahoo/Geocities for the help.

We decided that the address for Geocities for too long, so we put our Home page on Aol.


The address is : http://members.aol.com/w3zhotline






We are planing to move our site to our own server on the www.

That means that we will have a www. address. We are planing this move by the end of the First Quarter of 2000


We are adding a New feature to our Web Site.

Starting in January we will be featuring New Bands and Artists on our site.

We will Spotlight a different one each month and feature samples of the music on the site as well. (mp3 format)




New Shows:


We will be debuting some New Shows and Interviews in 2000.

More and more things are happening at W3Z. Check our Web Site for the latest information.



All Day Live!!! Featuring The Best from W3Z will Live through (Live365.com) towards the beginning of February


We tested this out a few weeks ago in January, and have made many adjustments.



Happy New Year!!!!!


That is all for this edition of The Hotline.


Visit our Site at : http://members.aol.com/w3zhotline


E-Mail us at: w3zhotline@aol.com