The Hotline 2000

Vol 3, February 2000




Welcome to the Hotline 2000!

This is W3Z's Newsletter. This will keep you updated with what is happening at W3Z.


In this issue we will look at Updates, and Feb/March Shows!







We have added a New feature to our Web Site.

It is called (Music Spotlight). we are featuring New Bands and Artists on our site.


We will Spotlight a different one each month and feature samples of the music on the site as well. (mp3 format)


If you have a band or know someone that has a band, and would like to be featured in (Music Spotlight). Please send us an E-mail at : Place Music Spotlight in the subject. Include some information about your band and send us an Mp3 sample.

We will review it and then notify you before we feature it on our site.




Shows for February:


Towards the end of Feb and beginning of March we will be featuring different parts of the All Day Live Broadcast.


Featured on our site now: 80's Flashback from the W3Z All Day Live Broadcast.



For all of you who tried to tune in to the Live and Replay broadcasts and had trouble, we will be featuring a special On-Demand Archive of the Entire Show. Check our site for more information.


Because the show is so big, we will have to use a different sever. Check for the times that the broadcast will be up.



We will continue to work out these bugs and try to go Live again.


Just check our site for details.




That is all for this edition of The Hotline.


Visit our Site at :


E-Mail us at: