The Hotline 2000

Vol 3, Aug/Sept 2000




Welcome to the Hotline 2000!

This is W3Z's Monthly Newsletter. This will keep you updated with what is happening at W3Z.


In this issue we will look at what is happening in August and September.



Sorry that this one is so late, but I have been hard at work on some new things.





We have finally done it!!!!

We now have a Broadcast Schedule on!!!

We are now Broadcasting 24hrs/day!!!!!


W3Z Broadcasts on 24 Hour Broadcast Schedule

Starting Aug 24th at 12:00am EDT


W3Z Wired, 80's Flashback, The All Request Show, and more....

Check our Broadcast Schedule


Click Here to Listen

(Must have Real Player G2 to Listen)

Must Have at Least a 56K Connection




Check out our New Chat Room which can be accessed through AIM:



or visit our site at :

You must have a copy of America Online's AIM program to enter our Chat Room.

Download Free Copy

We will be posting a Chat Room Schedule when I will be available to chat on our site in the next few weeks.


Shows for Aug/Sept



***New Show!!!!***


W3Z has added a New Show which features 30 minutes of the Best Rock Ever!!!

It is called the RockMachine!

It is now being featured on our site in W3Z Broadcasts.


Also you can catch it Live on Check our broadcast schedule for more information.



We are also planing to do another All Request Show where you can send in your requests and we will play them for you. We will keep you updated on this.



House of Blues Online Special Live Events



Go back into the eighties and enjoy bands like Duran Duran and The Go Go's

Presented Live in September.



House of Blues Online Special Concert Archives



September, we are featuring the music of Cowboy Mouth in a Special Archived Concert.



Check the w3z site for more information and dates.






Future Additions to our site:


We are planing on adding a Message Board in the near future.




That is all for this edition of The Hotline.


Visit our Site at :


E-mail us at: