Celebrating 25 Years of W3Z Hotline

Here you can access Past Shows, Interviews, Websites, and more.

Plus you can listen to the 25th Anniversary Special on Demand.



W3Z Background

W3Z was Setup on The Internet back in 1998

It started as a Project back in the middle 80's when Kevin Nalty and John Ryan decided to record a radio broadcast

on tape for John's younger brother Max who was at Summer Camp.

The station was also setup to broadcast by a wire from Kevin's House to John's which was next door.

The Catch Phrase "Music Hotline" was born.

Then in 1996/97 after learning how to build websites, I decided to Make one for W3Z

which was only a Home Page but later developed into a bigger site. In the early days I was not able to Stream Live

but I did record shows and converted to Real Player Files which were uploaded to the Site. It was offically launched in 1998

and with the help of another Radio Friend, was able to do short Live Broadcasts.

Then in 1999 W3Z Joined Live365 and went 24/7 in the early 2000's. The station operated on Live365 till late December 2014.

September 2015, W3Z was relaunched on Radionomy till 2019. After a little more restructuring W3Z was relaunched on Live 365 once again

under their new management and is once again running 24/7 on their network.







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Listen to W3Z's 25th Anniversary Show On Demand

Past Shows

W3Z Interviews

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Website Archives

The Hotline (Newsletter Archives)

Behind the Scenes Videos

Club W3Z Hotline Archives

Past Guest Book Entries

Past Website Refrences

Old Emails



W3Z was ranked in the top 100 of over 20,000 station on Live365 Back in the late 90's / early 2000's





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