The Hotline!


Vol 2, Issue #2 February 1999

The Hotline

Vol 2 Issue 2

February 1999



Hello, everybody!!!



As most of you know we have launched our new Web Site!!!


It is bigger and better than ever. We had to move our location from



This is to handle some of the Archives that we have out there.


We have also setup IM from AOL so AOL Members and Non AOL Members can talk to us Online. Our Screen Name is "w3zhotline". Just check the IM status to see if we are Online.


Later we will add a Chat Room so everybody can talk to me and each other.


We are still working on our Server so we can do Live Broadcasts, but in the meantime we have been featuring some Archived Concerts From


Also watch for Special Events, like Live Concerts also brought to you by


We should have the Live Camera working Soon, and we are in the middle of adding CU-See Me Teleconfrencing so people can see us Live!!!


We should be recording some New Shows in the next couple of weeks that we will upload for your enjoyment.



Just keep your Eyes and Ears open.



Thanks Again and have a great year!!!



W3Z Your Music Hotline!!! (